Sister Street Stage

Stoo Odom, Souvenaires, Gina Phillips and Friends, Regenerator, Malevitus

Crowd at Sister Street Stage.

Crowd at Sister Street Stage.

Gina Phillips and Friends at Holy Cross Music Hang

Gina put on an outdoor music show in her yard informally called the "Holy Cross Music Hang" so people could stay socially distant but still be kind of sociable and hear some music.

The day started with Stoo Odom, solo.

Stoo Odom at Holy Cross Music Hang

Followed by Max Bernardi's group, the Souvenaires.

Souvenaires at Holy Cross Music Hang

There was plenty of room so the crowd could be socailly distanced.

Socially distant crowd at Holy Cross Music Hang

Then Gina's group, billed for the afternoon as "Gina Phillips and Friends" (Ross Karsen, Marcus Bronson, and Doug Garrison)

Gina Phillips and Friends at Holy Cross Music Hang

Then Gina's neighbor George's band, Regenerator.

Regenerator at Holy Cross Music Hang

Close to sunset the levee filled up with spectators too.

Levee watchers and clouds at Holy Cross Music Hang

Malevitus at Sister Street Stage.

Malevitus at Sister Street Stage.